Episode 575: Heather Webb, Author of Strangers in the Night
Episode 569: Amy Poeppel, Author of The Sweet Spot
Episode 545: Christine Kandic Torres, Author of The Girls in Queens
Episode 506: Nick Davis, Author of Competing with Idiots
Episode 472: Craig Taylor, Author of New Yorkers
Episode 338: The Paragon Hotel Author Lyndsay Faye
Episode 291: Self-Portrait With Boy Author Rachel Lyon
Episode 222: Live With Authors Alex Segura and Radha Vatsal in Queens, N.Y.
On Sept. 14, Daniel Ford moderated The Queens Bookshop’s first-ever author event (!!!), held at Maple Grove Celebration Hall in Kew Gardens, N.Y., as part of 2017’s Brooklyn Book Festival.
The author panel included Alex Segura, best known for his Pete Fernandez Miami mystery novels, and Radha Vatsal, scribe of the historical fiction novels, A Front Page Affair and Murder Between the Lines. Alex and Radha had great insights into the craft of writing, a passionate crowd of readers asked thoughtful questions, and our hosts generously allowed Ford to read from his debut novel Sid Sanford Lives!
To learn more about Alex Segura, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, or follow him on Twitter @alex_segura. Also read Sean Tuohy’s interview with the author.
To learn more about Radha Vatsal, visit her official website or like her Facebook page.
The Queens Bookshop is a good friend of the podcast! Find out more about their mission to bring more books to Queens by reading Lindsey Wojcik’s feature. Also visit their official website, like their Facebook page, or follow the store on Twitter @bookshopqueens.
This episode is sponsored by:
Maple Grove Celebration Hall
Talkin’ Baseball With ESPN Researcher and Author Mark Simon
In a special, bonus podcast episode, ESPN researcher and author Mark Simon talks to Daniel Ford about his book The Yankees Index: Every Number Tells a Story.
Simon, who grew up a New York Mets fan devoted to reliever Neil Allen, discusses how he landed his job at ESPN, what led him to Triumph Books and writing about the New York Yankees, and his research process for the book (aided in part by past Writer’s Bone guest Katie Sharp). He also shares sound advice that aspiring sportswriters and researchers should take to heart.
To learn more about Mark Simon, visit ESPN or follow him on Twitter @msimonespn.
Episode 186: Why We Came to the City Author Kristopher Jansma
Author Kristopher Jansma returns to the podcast! Jansma talks to Daniel Ford about Why We Came to the City coming out in paperback (May 2) and how his life and writing process have evolved since leaving New York City.
“Storytelling is something I’ve always wanted to do.”
Learn more about Kristopher Jansma by visiting his official website, liking his Facebook page, or following him on Twitter @KristopherJans. Also listen to Gary Almeter’s first interview with the author.
Today's episode is brought to you by Scrivener. Scrivener combines all the writing tools you need to craft your first draft, from nascent notion to final full stop. Visit the app's official website for more details.
Episode 167: Screenwriter Larry Gross
Screenwriter Larry Gross, whose credits include “48 Hrs.,” “Another 48 Hrs.,” “Streets of Fire,” “True Crime,” and “Prozac Nation,” talks to Sean Tuohy about growing up watching movies in New York City theaters, how he caught his break in Hollywood, his partnership with Walter Hill, his screenwriting process, and which of his filmmaking heroes he’d like to have dinner with.
“I never envisioned getting into filmmaking except through writing.”
Today's episode is brought to you by Scrivener. Scrivener combines all the writing tools you need to craft your first draft, from nascent notion to final full stop. Visit the app's official website for more details.
Episode 131: The Queens Bookshop
Today, we welcome two of founders of The Queens Bookshop Initiative, whose aim is to bring a second bookstore back to Queens, N.Y.
They did it! The group's Kickstarter campaign reached its $70,000 goal with time to spare! The fight isn't over yet, though, they still need your support. If you haven't done so already, donate before you listen. And then donate more after you listen!
To learn more about The Queens Bookshop, read Lindsey’s feature “The Queens Bookshop Aims to Bring Books Back to Forest Hills.” To learn more about the future bookshop, visit its official website, like its Facebook page, or follow it on Twitter @bookshopqueens.
The Writer's Bone Podcast Archives
Episode 116: Author Tommy Wallach
Author Tommy Wallach talks to Daniel Ford about his evolution as a writer, the Young Adult market, and what inspired his recently published novel Thanks for the Trouble.
To learn more about Tommy Wallach, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, or follow him on Twitter @tommywallach.
Full Podcast Archive
Episode 98: Author Erica Wright
Erica Wright
Erica Wright, author of The Red Chameleon and The Granite Moth, talks to Daniel Ford about her writing career, why $1 pizza is important to writers, and the inspiration behind her witty and tough heroine Kathleen Stone.
To learn more about Erica Wright, visit her official website, like her Facebook page, or follow her on Twitter @eawright. Also, check out our first interview with the author, “Master of Disguise: 11 Questions With Author Erica Wright.”
Episode 60: Author Brian Abrams
Brian Abrams
Photo credit: Jeff Swensen
Brian Abrams, author of AND NOW...An Oral History of "Late Night with David Letterman," 1982-1993 and Party Like a President: True Tales of Inebriation, Lechery, and Mischief from the Oval Office, talks to Daniel Ford about journalism, New York City, and drunk Presidents.
Party Like a President: True Tales of Inebriation, Lechery, and Mischief from the Oval Office is available for pre-order and will be published on Feb. 10.
To learn more about Brian Abrams, visit his official website or follow him on Twitter @BrianAbrams.
Episode 46: Stand Up Comedian Robert Kelly
Legendary stand up comedian Robert Kelly talks to Sean Tuohy and Daniel Ford about fatherhood, hanging out with Louis CK, Aziz Ansari, and Jim Norton at New York City’s Comedy Cellar, his podcast “You Know What Dude?” and how he remains a Boston kid at heart.
To learn more about Robert Kelly, check out his official website, like his Facebook page, follow him on Twitter @robertkelly, or subscribe to his YouTube page.
Episode 17: The ‘How I Met Your Mother’ Podcast
In a special Sunday podcast, Daniel Ford and Sean Tuohy discuss the “How I Met Your Mother” finale. Inspired by Stephanie Schaefer’s take on the popular television show, the guys discuss how they first started watching the show, what episodes resonated with them the most, and how they would have brought the series to a close.