Episode 445: Michael Imperioli, The Nicotine Chronicles
Episode 438: Shaun Hamill, Author of A Cosmology of Monsters
Episode 433: S.A. Cosby, Author of Blacktop Wasteland
Episode 423: David Maraniss, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author and Journalist
Episode 406: Heather Chavez, Author of No Bad Deed
Episode 399: Chad Dundas, Author of The Blaze
Episode 301: Locked Gray/Linked Blue Author Kem Joy Ukwu
Episode 244: Smothered Author Megan Cassidy
Episode 240: Why LA? Pourquoi Paris? Author Diane Ratican
Episode 237: ‘Almost Friends’ Writer and Director Jake Goldberger
Screenwriter and director Jake Goldberger, whose credits include “Almost Friends,” “Life of a King,” and “Don McKay,” talks to Sean Tuohy about his writing and directing style, learning to work with actors, and his upcoming project with one of our favorite directors, Lexi Alexander.
To learn more about Jake Goldberger, visit his IMDB page. Also watch the trailer for “Almost Friends."
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
Episode 234: Have You Met Nora? Author Nicole Blades
Nicole Blades, author of Have You Met Nora? (out Oct. 31) and The Thunder Beneath Us, returns to the podcast to discuss what went into crafting the characters in her new book, how long it took her to write and edit the novel, and the themes she wanted to explore through her mixed race, and very secretive and conflicted, main character Nora.
Blades and Daniel Ford also talk about what inspired her to start a podcast with her sister, and what’s coming up on Season 2 of “Hey Sis!”
“Focus on your voice and the story you want to tell.”
To learn more about Nicole Blades, visit her official website, like her Facebook page, or follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Also listen to our first podcast interview with the author, and read our review of Have You Met Nora?
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Episode 233: Only Dead on the Inside Author James Breakwell
James Breakwell, social media comedian (Xploding Unicorn) and author of Only Dead on the Inside, talks to Sean Tuohy about channeling his tweets into a book, what his kids think about his literary prowess, and their shared grieving over losing “the greatest podcast ever recorded.”
Try not wetting your pants during this podcast. We dare you.
“It writes itself. You just add the apocalypse and see what happens.”
To learn more about James Breakwell, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, or follow him on Twitter and Instagram. Also listen to Sean and James’ first podcast together!
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Episode 229: Professor Joe R. Lansdale Explains the Art of Showing Up
Joe R. Lansdale, Hap and Leonard creator and author of Rusty Puppy and Cold in July, makes his Writer’s Bone podcast debut!
Lansdale talks to Sean Tuohy about how East Texas influences his work, not always realizing the “ah ha” moments when they happen, and why half the battle for writers is showing up.
“You’re better at understanding why you do a certain thing when you’ve had greater space between it.”
To learn more about Joe R. Lansdale, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, or follow him on Twitter @joelansdale. Also read Sean’s first interview with the author.
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
Sid Sanford Lives! Reading at I AM Books in Boston’s North End
Daniel Ford reads from Sid Sanford Lives! at I AM Books in Boston’s North End. He also takes questions from an insightful and engaged audience.
The next Sid Sanford Lives! reading/signing is at Belmont Books on Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. Find more details on Belmont Book’s Facebook page.
“This book is a lot of things. It’s a love letter to family, a meditation on love and friendship, and an exploration of what happens when life doesn’t go your way.”
Learn more about Daniel Ford by visiting his official website, liking his Facebook page, or following him on Twitter @danielfford. Sid Sanford Lives! is available on I AM Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and IndieBound.
Learn more about I AM Books by visiting the official website, liking its Facebook page, or following the store on Twitter @iambooksboston.
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Episode 225: The Last Ballad Author Wiley Cash
Wiley Cash, author of The Last Ballad (out Oct. 3), A Land More Kind Than Home, and This Dark Road of Mercy, talks to Daniel Ford about establishing his storytelling work ethic, chasing Ella May’s ghost while writing The Last Ballad, what he’s learned from his writing students, and why writers need to be really honest with themselves about why they want to write.
To learn more about Wiley Cash, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, or follow him on Twitter and Instagram. Also read an excerpt of The Last Ballad.
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Episode 220: Silencer Author Marcus Wicker
Episode 219: The Names of Dead Girls Author Eric Rickstad
Episode 218: ‘Marjorie Prime’ Actress Stephanie Andujar
Actress Stephanie Andujar returns to the podcast to talk about her new movie “Marjorie Prime.” Andujar also chats with Sean Tuohy about her sketch comedy show, “StephA: One Woman Show!”
“Once I know the background of a character and get into wardrobe, I become that character. I turn on.”
To learn more about Stephanie Andujar, visit her official website, like her Facebook page, or follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Watch the trailer for “Marjorie Prime” below.
Episode 217: The Room of White Fire Author T. Jefferson Parker
T. Jefferson Parker, author of the recently published The Room of White Fire, talks to Daniel Ford about how a high school mythology class ignited his passion for reading and writing, and what real-life events inspired his new book, and what’s in store for his new hero Roland Ford.
“I just try to open the imaginary dam and let the water come out.”
To learn more about T. Jefferson Parker, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, or follow him on Twitter @TJParkerauthor.