Episode 134: Nerd Blogger On Why We Love Superheroes
The Nerd Blogger returns! She digs into the history of American comic books and explores why people love superheroes.
Visit Only Nerds Allowed’s official website, like their Facebook page, or follow them on Twitter @OnlyNerdsAllowd.
The Writer’s Bone Podcast Archives
Episode 117: Nerd Blogger’s Top 10 Favorite Comic Book Films
The Nerd Blogger shares 10 classic comic book films.
Visit Only Nerds Allowed’s official website, like their Facebook page, or follow them on Twitter @OnlyNerdsAllowd.
Episode 110: The Greatest Relationship in Comics
The Nerd Blogger returns to discuss the greatest relationship in comic book history: Batman and the Joker.
Visit Only Nerds Allowed’s official website, like their Facebook page, or follow them on Twitter @OnlyNerdsAllowd.
Episode 108: So You Wanna Be A Comic Book Nerd?
In this guest podcast, Only Nerds Allowed founder Atalie Garcia gives aspiring nerds the tools they need to achieve comic book glory.
Visit Only Nerds Allowed’s official website, like their Facebook page, or follow them on Twitter @OnlyNerdsAllowd.
Episode 50: Comic Book Artist and Writer Dan Jurgens
Dan Jurgens
Dan Jurgens, comic book artist and writer, talks to Writer’s Bone about how he got his start, creating Doomsday and killing Superman, and his thoughts on today’s superhero movie craze.
To learn more about Dan Jurgens, visit his official website or follow him on Twitter @djjurgens.
Episode 44: Comic Book Men’s Bryan Johnson
Bryan Johnson talks to Sean Tuohy about the upcoming season of AMC’s “Comic Book Men” and his work with Kevin Smith.
“Comic Book Men” returns Oct. 12 at midnight. You can follow Bryan Johnson on Twitter @TellEmSteveDave.
Episode 14: Zombie Cage Fighter Nate Quarry
Nate Quarry, former mixed martial arts fighter and author of the comic book "Zombie Cage Fighter," talks to the guys about how he got his start in Ultimate Fighting and how many zombies he could take out during the first hour of the zombie apocalypse.
To learn more about Nate Quarry, visit his official website and follow him on Twitter @NateRockQuarry.