These drunk idiots had no idea what was in store for them in 2014...
One year ago, Sean Tuohy and Daniel Ford spent their day off at J. J. Foley’s in downtown Boston recording a YouTube video that announced a podcast and website called Writer’s Bone (it turned out their bloopers reel was more entertaining).
The pair recently got together to discuss the more than 50 interviews they conducted in 2014, their favorite posts from the website, and what lies ahead for the podcast in 2015.
What, that wasn’t enough for you? Fine, here are some pictures from the past year.
The scene during the first Writer's Bone podcast.
"How many bodies did you have behind you while recording this YouTube video Sean?" "All of them, of course."
Stephanie Schaefer looks like she's sitting between two dilapidated houses. She has yet to appear in another YouTube video.
Working hard...talking to Zombie Cage Fighter Nate Quarry.
The one where Sean was screwed by the MBTA. He's still pissed that he missed author Peter Sherwood.
The brain trust on St. Patrick's Day. Many Guinness were harmed in the making of this podcast.
Daniel's rant about receiving library books for Christmas...and Sean tells a sweet story.
Recording the first Sean and Dan Watch Television video.
Writer's Bone's first live event at the 2014 Boston Book Festival!
Cheers to more laughs, friendship, and writing in 2015!